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Code of Conduct

A requirement for participation is adherence to the following Code of Conduct which will be the standard for all ARCHANGEL Airsoft activities and events and matters.

  1. ARCHANGEL AIRSOFT seeks to glorify Christ and encourage members in their home education endeavors. As Christians, we strive to “keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” in all of our communication and interaction with one another. This includes face-to-face interaction as well as written communication on any forums and social media (Ephesians 4:1-3). 

  2. ARCHANGEL AIRSOFT participating families (parents and students) agree to act in such a way that their words and actions promote encouragement of fellow ARCHANGEL AIRSOFT families and provide a witness of our relationship with Christ. Language, dress, and behavior should exemplify Christ (Colossians 3:17). 

  3. ARCHANGEL AIRSOFT activities/events, upon arrival to departure, should be smoke-free, alcohol-free, and free of any other mood altering substances. Potentially offensive or harmful items should be left at home, ensuring that every activity/event remains as safe as possible for our membership and the community (Romans 12:12-13). 

  4. ARCHANGEL AIRSOFT participating families (parents and students) agree to avoid disrespectful, immoral, intimidating, threatening, or rude behavior at ARCHANGEL AIRSOFT activities/events or in the presence of other members. We want to encourage one another with the love of God and seek to glorify Him at all times. (Romans 16:17-18) 

  5. ARCHANGEL AIRSOFT participating families agree to refrain from gossip, libel, and slander (Ephesians 4:29-32). If a personal conflict situation arises with another member during a ARCHANGEL AIRSOFT activity or event, pursue peace and forgiveness by first speaking with the individual member privately. If the situation cannot be resolved individually, please contact the ARCHANGEL AIRSOFT Activity or Event Coordinator. (Matthew 18:15-16). 

  6. ARCHANGEL AIRSOFT participating families agree that every person is created in the image of God, and God creates each person as male or female. ARCHANGEL AIRSOFT member families (parents and students) must affirm and identify with the sex and sexuality of their birth.  Language, dress, and behavior should be appropriate to gender as image bearers of Christ (Genesis 1:26-27). 

  7. ARCHANGEL AIRSOFT participating families agree to be responsible for their own children’s behavior to ensure that they comply with this standard of conduct for all ARCHANGEL AIRSOFT activities and events (Colossians 3:20). 



Code of Conduct revised July 2020


(*When completing the registration form, and you are answering the question about the Code of Conduct,

please answer honestly and  choose "pineapple" and "grapes" as your 2nd and 3rd choices.) 

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